Delete empty tags

i am looking for al tagged elements (EF) that are empty and than delete those tags.
i got my result from the list but can not delete the elements?
what am i missing here.

You need to wire the Filter node to the Electrical Fixture Tags list. Right now you’re only filtering the parameter value list.

thx mate,

works like a charme now.

Would it be possible to upload this DYN file or give me the name of a Package? Thanks

@ericJ9ZDG it’s from genius loci not sure what version however

Funny. That is what I thought. Thanks Kai. Is that your package?

I am horrible at restringing and thought someone might share the DYN file.

Nope its by Alban_de_Chasteigner

pls help me, how to sort based on this independent tag. i couldnt get family instances

i got independent tag for the list. how to filter by the parameter value. pls help me

I don’t have familiarity with Independent Tags, can you elaborate on the workflow? My first thought would be to retrieve the tag’s host, but I don’t know if that’s necessarily an option with Independent Tags?

I need to delete the empty tag of the plumbing fixture for a linked file. The tagged value is coming from the “Type Mark” parameter in the linked file.

I try to use Dynamo to filter only the plumbing fixture tag and try to separate between the empty tag and the tag with value.


You are not using a boolean value for your mask.
You’d need to do a check if the value is empty, and then use the bools in the filter by bool mask

As this topic was solved and your question is a different issue, you should open a new topic next time to ask your question :slight_smile: You can link to the old post

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