Hi all,
I would like to have a border around my node.
Something like this.
I found different solutions but without getting what I am looking for.
public class CustomModelView : INodeViewCustomization<HelloDyn>
public void CustomizeView(HelloDyn model, NodeView nodeView)
var brush = new SolidColorBrush(Color.FromArgb((int)byte.MaxValue, 231, 47, 135));
// Result 1
var rec = new Rectangle();
rec.Fill = brush;
// Result 2
nodeView.grid.Background = brush;
// Result 3
((Border)nodeView.grid.FindName("customNodeBorder")).Background = brush;
((Border)nodeView.grid.FindName("customNodeBorder1")).BorderBrush = brush;
((Border)nodeView.grid.FindName("customNodeBorder1")).Background = brush;
((Border)nodeView.grid.FindName("customNodeBorder1")).BorderThickness = new Thickness(10);
((Rectangle)nodeView.grid.FindName("nodeBackground")).Fill = brush;
public void Dispose()
Result 1
Result 2
Result 3
I don’t have any results, I think the changes should be done using some sort of action to update the graph view.
Any help is welcoming