Curves from cad layers only extracts certain layers

Hi All,

Having a bit of trouble with the bimorphnodes CAD.CurvesFromCadLayers node - See image below.

I’m looking to extract model lines from the two layers - DLX_FL0LUM1 & 2 but the node can’t pick up these layers. The LayerNames node seems to know they’re there though.

Enclosed cad file too


Test Project 2017.dwg (180.7 KB)

I think it may be because those layers are 3D layers. I tried to explode the import in Revit and got the warning “Import contained 3D data or points which can’t be exploded. Only 2D data was exploded.” and those layers were deleted and only the DLX_LUMKEY layer remained. I’m thinking if it can’t be exploded as lines to be “drawn” in Revit then the CAD.CurvesFromCADLayers node isn’t reading those layers’ geometry as draw-able curves either. @Thomas_Mahon might have insight.