Hi All,
I would like to offset the crop region inward in all my elevation view by 5mm, is that possible for dynamo? Thank in advance!
Yes curves can be offset. You’d need to scale it if you mean 5mm at sheet scale though.
Cropboxes can be retrieved and set using ootb nodes in 2023+ I think, otherwise MEPover has nodes for this.
Hi, thank for the response!
I have done the same thing but the node ‘get curve’ give ‘null’, any advise?
hi @dong2K8UG you are sure you have dynamoironpython package 2.7 installed? if you go with mepover…try viewcrop by curves from mepover, as the ootb you use expect a boundingbox
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Many thank, still something isn’t right here, is it the node ‘polycurve.offset’ not working, I don’t see the node ‘polycurve.offsetmany’ anywhere…
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It works. Thank you!
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I always use the Crump package for getting the curves in Dynamo R22
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