Crop 3D View Python Script Issue

Dear Experts,
I found good python code in order to implement crop for the 3d Views.
However, i realized that mentioned script not working properly :frowning:
Do you have any opinion about the problem?
set CropBox in 3DView.dyn (9.2 KB)

Revit Model:

There is one more alternative Python script which works great for each views. But I dont know how can i apply this scipt for multiple views :frowning:
3D Crop Alternative.dyn (8.2 KB)


If you amend your code to this, it works for me?

        pt3 = tfView.OfPoint(XYZ(bbxElemB.Min.X, bbxElemB.Max.Y, bbxElemB.Max.Z))
        pt4 = tfView.OfPoint(XYZ(bbxElemB.Max.X, bbxElemB.Min.Y, bbxElemB.Min.Z))

Hope that helps,


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