Creation of a routine capable of reloading the links of a SYN model with new indices


I am thinking about the development of a dynamo script which allows to reload the models which on a new index.
I’m based on this post: Astuce Dynamo #1: Ajout/Rechargement rapide de liens Revit

where I managed to do the first step;

this first step loads the “.rvt” models present in the selected folder.

I am stuck at the second stage of the publication, I would like to do this:

  • compare them with the present links:
  • if it is the same name we do nothing, (very important not to touch the model with the same indices so as not to erase the dimensions that are attached to this model
  • if it is a name that differs on one of its denominators (index for example) it is that it is a new index and that it will therefore have to be reloaded in the model.

Thank you for your help :wink:

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