Create List from the the current list

i tried a lot but could not able to do what i want. Please see picture in this post.
I want to create dynamo program to get list attached in the photo and create list like bellow:
0 List
1 List
2 List
3 List

Hi @kvusal

Could you please expand your screenshot with complete graph. The watch node your currently showing will not help others who is trying to help you. Thanks :slight_smile:

Dear Kulkul,
I dont want you to be confused. Because total screenshot is much complicated. I just need to know how to create list from another list by the logic i mentioned before.

@kvusal Something like this?

@kvusal Alright just show us complete watch node. As i can see it is broken at the bottom.

wonderful. Thanks a lot. :+1:
Can you send it with the better picture quality. Or dyn file?
The connection lines is not visible in your picture.


The connection lines reappear after downloading the picture.


Dear Vikram,
I checked your script. However it is not exact code i want to create :pensive:
I create new screenshot to describe my problem. Is it possible to do this in dynamo?

@kvusal Try this…

Dear Vikram,
thanks for your support. What you send by screenshot seems is solution of my problem. However when i create same things you wrote to me gives me different result. :disappointed: Please see screenshot.

@kvusal Change lacing on GetKeys to Longest

Wonderful. Thanks a lot bro. Now i am learning meaning of lacing in the internet. It seems it is important function of dynamo. Thanks ones more.

Thanks to all who tried to help me… :+1: