Is there a node to create a legend?
I’m effectively looking to create something similar to Erik Frits’ fantastic View Filters: Create Legend tool within EF_Tools, but I’m looking to tweak slightly for my specific requirements, and I’d like to package it within my practice’s custom extension so my users can easily access it (as this will already be deployed)
Hi @dan.buckingham …genius loci have a node for create component legends…for viewfilters as Eriks tool, you can just create a filled region in your legend
Thanks, I spotted the Genius Loci node for components, and other online examples rely on having an empty legend already created to populate with the given information.
Ideally I’m wanting the tool to create a legend automatically (naming it after the view template perhaps), but I can’t see a node or method for that?
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arhh ok…its only for legend component you will need a legend with one component…for filled region or generic annotion, detail item…you dont need a legend if i remember right
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For anyone not familiar with the addin, could you please describe what it is exactly that you’re wanting to accomplish?
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I’ve managed to get the core of the tool working as intended, the essence being:
- Select View Template with filters applied
- Generate a legend creating a filled region and text of the filter
I’ve got that working just about as I want, but I can’t seem to get dynamo to generate a new legend from scratch. Instead, I’m having to point it at an existing blank legend for it to populate.
Hi Dan you cant create a legend view only dulicate existing
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OK good to know thanks, that might be my angle of attack then