I saw a previous post about applying List.Map to the node Tool.Create.Assembly
I tried to do the same; but unfortunatly it doesn’t work.
Any ideas for how to fix this?
I have hundreds of family instances, and I need to create an assembly for each family instance.
Thank you in advance.
Hi Ahmad,
Is this the topic you are refering to [link] ?
I think you need to add te “Transaction.End” node, like @Dimitar_Venkov did.
I hope it helps.
Hi @MJB-online,
thanks for your reply, I tried this out, but the issue is that I want to create an assembly for each family instance; for my example, if I have a 4 family instances of the same family type, so I want 4 assemblies.
Please check this GIF:
Hi Ahmad_Saad,
If the family instances are identical Revit is aware of that, and creates 4 identical assembly instances, and they all get the same name. Thats the way it works, as far as i know.
Thanks for your reply.
I think the problem was the selection method, I used another way and it worked:
Hi Ahmad,
I’m curious what happens if you add the “Transaction.End” node to the top/pink workflow.
You’re now feeding the “List.Map” node with three different family types.
Last time the family types were identical as far as i could see from your GIF.
Kind regards,