Hello everyone, i’ve been using the new dynamo version in revit 2023 and i have a problem when i try to create a Mass family in Dynamo from a surface, i get an error that say: the category “mass” was not found, i don’t know why i can’t create the mass family . I have already tried to create a mass family in “Rhino.Inside.Revit” and it worked perfectly, so i guess it has to be something with the dynamo internal code. I hope someone can help me to create a mass family and import it directly to revit as i did it with RIR. Thanks.
What node are you using to push the mass into Revit?
You might want to try spring nodes. Try using the familyinstance.by geometry node from springs. If you work in meters just know you might have to do some conversion.
Yes , i am using the familyinstance.by geometry node from springs but it doesn’t work
See my response here.
thanks for your help but i just figure it out what was the problem, i just have to install the older version of IronPython2, bc the new version of revit 2023 comes with the new version of it and there is some incompatibilites problems.