Create 3D-view in background-opened document

Hi there.
I need help - I cannot understand how to create 3d views in documents from directory which were opened in background through Rhythm node (Applications.OpenDocumentFile).
I know how to do it in the current opened file - AxonometricView.ByEyePointAndTarget, but it haven’t input for document and works for current file.

Global task
I need to create 3d-views in files from freelancers. Every 3d-view - a section of project (values from each element of model from shared parameter). Next I need to create NWC from created views and put in new folders according next structure:

  1. Project name
    1.1 Section 1
    1.2 Section 2
    1.3 Section 3
  2. Project name
    2.1 Section 1
    2.2 Section 2
    2.3 Section 3

P.S. I have created the script which works according my task, but it works only in current file.
P.P.S Revit Batch Processor can be as my decision, but after script process it suggests to save file and I need to push buttons. I want to automate process, not to push buttons :slight_smile:

Look into GeniusLoci package and 3DView Create node.

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Great Thanks! Later I will try this.

P.S. While I was waiting for reply, I find this - Dynamo Multiplayer, it can cope my tasks.

Спасибо :slight_smile:

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