Coverting RFA views to DXF format

I have a huge number of RFA’s and I want views (plan, elevations, sections) from them to be in DXF format. but I don’t want all visible lines from the RFA to be exported to the DXF instead, I want lines that are visible after loading RFA into the RVT file. (like there is some geometry made invisible in the RFA and drawn some symbolic lines to visible instead of it).

Currently, I am loading the RFA to RVT file and then exporting the views to DXF individually. Since it takes too much time I want to automate this process through a dynamo script can someone guide me in creating a script as I am a beginner in dynamo scripting.

Hi @rajendra.ganesh for me it sounds like birdtool multiplayer could help here…maybe

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Assuming all families are loaded (if not, manually load them all), why not use Dynamo to automate creating a family instance of each, and then create the 3 views for each, isolate the element in each respective set of views, and then add the views to a view set. Then you can manually export the views with one more single automation, or even have Dynamo do that too.

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Hi @sovitek ,
birdtool multiplayer works for my requirement, Thank you for your suggestion.

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