Copying 2D items from one view to another

So, I’m having to copy 100s of views from one level to another level - see this thread for more info:

I’ve got a script now (attached) that gets the views on one level (doing 1 level at a time just to be on the safe side) and copies the view to the new level.
It works out what sheet the original is on and places the new view on that sheet.
I’ve frozen the delete old view as it’s not copying the detail items…

How do I copy over the detail items? Seems like it should be easy but my brain is on strike :smiley:
Please help.

Also go easy on me… I just shoved it together in a couple of hours so I know it’s a bit lazy in how I’ve done some of it (repeated filters).

ChangeLevelOfElement.dyn (77.3 KB)

You need a node that will copy to view since these are view dependent objects. You can also use this API method: