Copy paste select objects in the new file (python?)

Hello, guys

I would like to know if it’s possible to copy a select object with camber node “object. select” and paste them into a new file? Maybe in python?
Anyone have an idea?

best regards


Anything is possible, but you may want to consider:

  1. Do a save as of the active file
  2. Delete everything but the selected objects
  3. Save over the save as version
  4. Open the other file
  5. Insert the old file as an xref
  6. Save the other file

This will make the inserted objects a single item, which will make the review easier.

thanks for your help
all this in python ? or with the OOTB node ?

I believe that both your copy/paste process and my insert process both require more direct AutoCAD API access than has been exposed in nodes at this time.

If it’S blocks, then you can try to copy them from a Xref

:face_with_raised_eyebrow: :face_with_raised_eyebrow: :face_with_raised_eyebrow:
sorry but i don’t understand

In the youtube session, Zachry Jensen showed a graph where he copied objects from a Xref in to a new file.
I recreated the graph and it worked real fine for block references.

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