Converting parameters to Target parameter storage type


If you search around you will see a few other relevant topics such as this one Copy a number value from one paramter to another

If you are grabbing parameter values from one family and pushing them into another, they should be the correct type already… Perhaps check your list management?

If instead you are grabbing the values from Excel say, you need to grab the parameters from the family, check their type, then convert them.

I guess it would be a good idea to first filter out any parameters which are read only (e.g room areas or those driven by formula)

Without Python I presume you will then run a series of BoolFilters… If Param Type == Int, convert String to Number… Which is fine for a few types… But you might end up with a very long graph…

Hopefully that’s enough to get you started? Post back if you get stuck and we can try to assist :slight_smile:

