Hi everyone, I am trying to modify the layer thickness of walls in Revit using Dynamo. Specifically, I want to set the thickness of all non-structural layers to 0
and retain only the structural layer as it is. However, I’ve encountered some challenges ,This is what I did already , but It is not working , I need help, thank you so much !
Task 1.rvt (5.4 MB)
task 1-Scenario 2.dyn (18.8 KB)
Hi @101532664 not sure if it could help but you can get/set your compound layers, here with clockwork
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Thank you Sovitek! , I will try to use it now , I hope it will help
yeah try it…genius loci have some great nodes for compound structures as well…probably it fit you better
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After I run the dynamo file, nothing changed in the wall assembly ? it supposes to make the thikness = 0, right ?
dont think all can be 0, guess with that it has to be membrane exc…but you could delete the layer…but not really what the goal is…maybe play with parting…not sure
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The only way to set a wall layer to 0 is to make it a membrane layer. Then it will automatically be 0 thickness. So just change the function.
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this is exactly what I did, but nothing is changing Revit !! this is screenshot , and this is the python script :
Import necessary libraries
import clr
from Autodesk.Revit.DB import Transaction, MaterialFunctionAssignment, WallType
from RevitServices.Persistence import DocumentManager
Get the active Revit document
doc = DocumentManager.Instance.CurrentDBDocument
Inputs from Dynamo
wall_types = IN[0] # List of wall types from Dynamo
Start a transaction to modify Revit elements
transaction = Transaction(doc, “Update Wall Type Layers”)
for wall_type in wall_types:
# Ensure the element is a WallType
if isinstance(wall_type, WallType):
# Duplicate the wall type to create a new one
new_wall_type = wall_type.Duplicate(wall_type.Name + “_Modified”)
# Get the compound structure of the duplicated wall type
compound_structure = new_wall_type.GetCompoundStructure()
# Check if the compound structure exists
if compound_structure is not None:
# Iterate through each layer in the compound structure
for i in range(compound_structure.LayerCount):
layer = compound_structure.GetLayer(i)
# If the layer is not structural
if layer.Function != MaterialFunctionAssignment.Structure:
# Change function to Membrane
compound_structure.SetLayerFunction(i, MaterialFunctionAssignment.Membrane)
# Set thickness to 0
compound_structure.SetLayerWidth(i, 0.0)
# Apply the modified compound structure back to the new wall type
# Commit the transaction
OUT = "Wall type layers updated successfully. Check the duplicated types."
except Exception as e:
# Roll back the transaction if there is an error
OUT = "Error: " + str(e)
@101532664 so I tweaked your script just a bit, it worked on my machine. Essentially, you want to unwrap the element types first (line 14). Then a bit different way of enumerating the layers (line 33, 34).
# Import necessary libraries
import clr
from Autodesk.Revit.DB import Transaction, MaterialFunctionAssignment, WallType
from RevitServices.Persistence import DocumentManager
# Get the active Revit document
doc = DocumentManager.Instance.CurrentDBDocument
# Inputs from Dynamo
wall_types = UnwrapElement(IN[0]) # List of wall types from Dynamo
# Start a transaction to modify Revit elements
transaction = Transaction(doc, "Update Wall Type Layers")
for wall_type in wall_types:
# Ensure the element is a WallType
if isinstance(wall_type, WallType):
# Duplicate the wall type to create a new one
new_wall_type = wall_type.Duplicate(wall_type.get_Name() + "_Modified")
# Get the compound structure of the duplicated wall type
compound_structure = new_wall_type.GetCompoundStructure()
# Check if the compound structure exists
if compound_structure is not None:
# Iterate through each layer in the compound structure
layers = compound_structure.GetLayers()
for i, layer in enumerate(layers):
# If the layer is not structural
if layer.Function != MaterialFunctionAssignment.Structure:
# Change function to Membrane
compound_structure.SetLayerFunction(i, MaterialFunctionAssignment.Membrane)
# Set thickness to 0
compound_structure.SetLayerWidth(i, 0.0)
# Apply the modified compound structure back to the new wall type
# Commit the transaction
OUT = debug #"Wall type layers updated successfully. Check the duplicated types."
except Exception as e:
# Roll back the transaction if there is an error
OUT = "Error: " + str(e)
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Thank you so much!!, it works perfectly now
Hello again, I’m facing two issues:
- The structural layer edge of the duplicated wall misaligns with the original, causing an offset.
- The existing walls don’t automatically switch to the duplicated wall type. I have to select the walls and switch them manually.
I will appreciate if someone help me with this, thank you!
task 1- Final.dyn (15.4 KB)
task 1- Final.rvt (5.6 MB)