Conduit by line not working - need help

Script conduitbyline not working with me.
Can someone help me please?
thanks a lot

Hello @soufiane.mel12 and welcome to the community :wink: im not really sure whats goin on, but i assume you select a line in revit …does it work if try as here ?

hello @sovitek , thank you for reception.
it does’t work, in the file Cad, i have lines and curves like the pict

Thank you,

Hi @soufiane.mel12 is it possible share that acad then we can try

thx for the sample…it will always be approximately as conduit can only be straight and not curved

Hi @soufiane.mel12 something here could be a start, the issue here is missing /unorder/overlapped lines so many thing can go wrong when the acad isnt is decent…play around with it :wink: or open the cad and try clean up

Hi @sovitek , hank you very much for your help, that’s work.

you’re right, when changing direction they use the box (chambre de tirage in frensh).

Thank you again

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