I would like to concatenate the values from sublists (of varying length) into a single value.
I have tried various list nodes (slice,chop,flatten)- the below is as close as I can get.
In the below example, I would like to concatenate values from sublist[0] to be “FIRE PIPEWORK, FRP”
Likewise, sublist[1] to be “HANG DOORS, FRP, SHEET WALLS, STRIP”
Story so far of my Dynamo life. Luckily it keeps it exciting. My approach to Dynamo is, it’s sort of a cure for cancer. I started with it at the “seek and destroy” level of data manipulation, but now I’m getting closer toward laser surgery with my scripts. About every few days I run across a new node I’ve never used and get blown away at what I can do with it!
It’s a struggle, but one with a good payoff at the end toward automation!