Column Orientation and Beam end join

Hi All,

I have managed to create my first Dynamo Script which creates a framing system on selected wall faces.
However, I have encountered 2 issues.

1.) Cross section rotation is set to “0” and the columns are not always perpendicular to the face of the wall. Is there a way to make it automatically placed 90 degree to the selected wall face?

2.) Vertically there are structural columns and horizontally Structural beam family. Using Dynamo the beams are always joined together for some reason and I am not able to adjust the “End Extension” Parameter as it’s read only. Is there a way to force it to be adjustable or disallow joining them?
Please see pictures below for both issues:

This is the beam ends being joined in the model

Hi @C.Benke probably something here could help…

Home.dyn (37.1 KB)

Hi Sovitek,

I think this add in will not work with the dynamo version that I am working on. See below image:


Hi it should…but Think you will need ironpython 2,7 package from package manager