Coloured filter on multiple view

Im trying to make a script that make and apply with the help of an input form (using data-shapes package). I manage to make the form with all its buttons as you ca see in the image below. But for some reason the filter refuse to be created. Can someone take a look an say what i did wrong?
Thanks in advance!

@nedelea.rares First of all, the inputs to create the filter need to come from the ‘User Inputs’…

The UI form generates a list with results of the different inputs.
You’ll have to check the list levels and connect them to the correct nodes to create the filter.

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Thank you very much Laura_BIMChick
You helped me to understand how solve one of my problem and understand the way input form works. Now I manage to make filters, next step will be to understand how to apply it and give it a colour. Also, another thing that I want my script to do will be to is to apply all this filter on multiple view at the same time.
Edit. I wonder way it make on a filter as many rules as many element from the specified category it see on the active view (if i have 3 walls it make 3 rules on a wall filter). How could that be avoided?

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I finally managed to make my script to work the way I wanted. But now I wonder if it`s possible to optimise my script.

Seems quite effective from what I see. Where do you think you could simplify? Is something running extra slow(you can check using the TuneUp view extension on package manager)?

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Hello jacob.small
Thank you for your message. Where I think my script can be simplified is around the rule, categories or view selection part. For some reason it become a bit slow inside dynamo when I searching for nods. Also it does take a bit (around 10-15 seconds) to open itself.
On other note, I discovered that I can`t create a filter after an parameter with measure something (volume, area length), it input 0 as filtered value. How can I deal with this?

UI nodes are going to run slower as they have quite a bit to calculate. UI is often the slowdown for many AEC programs (calculating the geometry takes significantly less time than displaying it). Shifting to Dynamo Player might be a better option in terms of speed, but that’s a UX question to consider in the context of your user base.

My gut says that slow to open in this case is likely due to the number of dropdown nodes. Again, utilizing one dropdown as an input with Dynamo player would expedite this quite a bit.

Searching for nodes is a separate issue and not tied to this graph so best to start a new topic if you’d like some insight, but it’s usually due to a package in your library, or the total sum of all packages in your library. If you remove all packages does search work quicker?

Not sure what you mean by this:

Thank you jacob.small for your message and your explanation. it helped me learn a new thing. I chose to work with UI because I use a small add on that allow me to add dynamo scrips on a toolbar as you can see in the image below, it`s called Relay. This way I can find them more easily.

Regardless the bit you don`t understand, just take a look at the images below. I made 3 filters after volume, length, ad area. None of them works because the filters in Revit input value 0 on the rule side.