Clearing/reset the transparency of a category in a Revit link using Dynamo or Python

Firstly apologies, I’ve posted this elsewhere with no replies, so perhaps that was the wrong place to post which is why I’m reposting here because I couldn’t re-file the original in a different forum.

I’ve been trying to write a script which will turn on any elements that have been hidden off in a view and will reset any element overrides in the same view, but the view also has some Revit links which have a transparency on a few categories.

it is the last matter that I seem unable to resolve. Is there a way through Dynamo or Python that the transparency of a category in a Revit link can be reset.

Any help will be welcomed.


If you’re talking about custom overrides in a linked model (the RVT Link tab) then the answer unfortunately is “No”. That information is not currently available in the Revit API.

i dont think so think all overides on links are by the category l(inked model) dont think you can effect the invidual elements in the link through your project would have to open up the linked model and reset the transprancy from there.

might work if you overirde all elements of category in view though that would include elements from linked model as well.

but a non dynamo way to fix this would be going in to the vgraphic & visibilty settings for the linked model in the view and override transperancy on everything. which is what i would have done

I’m not looking to do it by individual elements Stefan. It is the category which has a transparency on it, it was solely that which I was hoping to control. But if it’s not possible through the Revit API then I’ll just have to do that part manually. But I appreciate your response. Thank you

Is there an alternative way of doing it Nick other than using Dynamo and Python. another programming language perhaps?

If the Revit APi doesn’t allow it, there is no way to accomplish it regardless of which language as there isn’t a way to access the inner workings of Revit.

That said, I’m not sure if what your after is in the APi or not, as how Nick interpreted your question is not how I interpreted your question. Can you post a screenshot indicating what it is you’re looking to change?