I need to clash a nested element of elements from linked model with elements in current model using Bimorph.
i have collected the elements from the linked model using the Bimprph node (LinkElementOfCategory) then i have collected the nested elements inside them then i tried to convert them using the node LinkedElement.Element but i get the following error!
After some more diggin’.
Try bimorphNodes 4.2.4 (that solved the issue for me)…
…if you not already using that version @Mohamad_Kayali .
Newer versions (so 5.0.0. and higher) use newer versions of Dynamo.
The element needs to be clashed is a box nested in the structural framing family instance.
I have never had a problem clashing an element from a linked model. the problem here is clashing another element nested in it.
I have already created an example Revit file and the dynamo script I have shared.
so as you see in the image below i need to clash the blue box with all walls in the current model