Clash an element nested inside another element in linked model

I need to clash a nested element of elements from linked model with elements in current model using Bimorph.
i have collected the elements from the linked model using the Bimprph node (LinkElementOfCategory) then i have collected the nested elements inside them then i tried to convert them using the node LinkedElement.Element but i get the following error!

when i connect them directly to the clash node i get the following error:


Maybe get the actual Element (i.e. a Walls) from the Link and then use this ?

Or maybe something like this :point_down:?

hi @bvs1982 ,
i am actually using the actual elements.
The list of nested elements are generic models named Bounding box.

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Give Families the Name of a Revit Object is confusing.
Maybe show some more of your graph so we can help you better.

clash.dyn (15.8 KB)
linkedModel.rvt (6.1 MB)
Project.rvt (6.0 MB)

So issue start already with the first bimorphNodes…Don’t have much more time to look into this.

I used that node in one of my own graphs and there it also doesn’t
work anymore (it DID work before!) :no_mouth:.

After some more diggin’.
Try bimorphNodes 4.2.4 (that solved the issue for me)…
…if you not already using that version @Mohamad_Kayali .
Newer versions (so 5.0.0. and higher) use newer versions of Dynamo.

The element needs to be clashed is a box nested in the structural framing family instance.
I have never had a problem clashing an element from a linked model. the problem here is clashing another element nested in it.
I have already created an example Revit file and the dynamo script I have shared.
so as you see in the image below i need to clash the blue box with all walls in the current model