It appears that the workflow for extruding hatches in dynamo may face a head wind. Was curious if anyone has solved for such a problem.
I suppose I need to get every arc and substitute an approximated series of lines?
It appears that the workflow for extruding hatches in dynamo may face a head wind. Was curious if anyone has solved for such a problem.
I suppose I need to get every arc and substitute an approximated series of lines?
To be clear, the problem is every “arc” portion of the hatch shows up as inverted when you fetch dynamo geometry from hatch object. So it makes sense that “arcs” are not able to be understood by dynamo, just wanted to confirm that before I proceed along defining workflows that prevent the use of “arcs” in hatches.
My current workaround is to create polylines and get geometry that way using “generatehatchboundary” command.
here is the same hatch viewed with 2 different geometry nodes.
it is almost like object.hatch hatch.geometry workflow doesn’t process arcs correctly, or some vector needs to be reversed inside that node.
Can you post a dwg and the dyn that extracts the geometry incorrectly?
Yeah…unfortunately that node has never returned the hatch boundaries correctly
For reference: