CIVIL 3D Convert 3D Faces in TIN surface without calculating triangle connections

I’ve had moderate success with two ideas:

  1. Using some copy and pasted python from the revit side of this forum to use a ‘Concave Hull’ in which fancy math is used to identify the outside edges of a group of triangles. Then using those results to have Dynamo create a polyline to become the tin surface boundary. However, it still requires some user review to make sure it did what it was supposed to do…but it gets you 90% of the way there.

  2. Using the Camber nodes to actively select all the triangles in a Civil 3D drawing, then sending the LINEWORKSHRINKWRAP (spelling?) command to the command line. This draws a polyline around the triangles, not sure about the interior hole, though. However, the polyline isnt quite right due to the triangles being at an elevation. So, I extracted the triangle X and Y geometry, created polylines at Z=0, and then used the shrink wrap command to get a boundary from there.

Neither idea work 100%, maybe someone can build off of them to something that does.

Link to Concave Hull post:

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