It would be great if I can change the active workset to the workset of a selected element in the project.
I’m searching in the dark to make this happen, if someone has any ideas please come forward.
Much appreciated.
January 24, 2020, 9:14pm
Please verify your object is not on a linked file nor a group, if you could please provide more information, such as the graph you have generated so far
The Object is not on a linked file nor group.
The object is either a conduit fitting or a conduit.
Regarding the script, So far I have only been able to extract the workset Id of the selected Element from the model.
I have got no clue or I haven’t found any nodes which is capable of changing the active workset in the model
It’s in the api, so you can do it in python:
Online Documentation for Autodesk's Revit API: 2015, 2016, 2017, 2017.1, 2018
Here is a thread about worksets in python, not an answer to your question, but it would be a good start if you are not that familiar with python:
Hi - I am trying to batch rename Worksets. Admittedly I don’t have much experience with python and am really guessing at the modifications required to rename in batch vs. by single workset.
import clr
from Autodesk.Revit.DB import *
import Revit
import RevitServices
from RevitServices.Persistence import Docu…
January 25, 2020, 2:11pm
See if this can get you going.
Hello everyone. I’m working on automating some workset management. We have a structural analysis program that we have linked with Revit, and we have a parameter that is imported into Revit that contains information on which workset the element belongs on. I have figured out how to filter the elements and separate them based on the workset they belong on, as well as how to retrieve the workset IDs that I want to set each list of elements to. I must be missing something, however, because all of th…
Thanks for the info, I’ll be definitely give it a try
Hi, I’m about to release a tool that automatically assigns a workset based on family types (categories or families work too). Is that something that would work for you?
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