Change Revit.Application.Document to Document

I´m using the SharedParameter.Add of the package “Orchid”…
It expect a input=Document, but I want to link it to a Document.Current node, and it gives me a Revit.Application.Document.

How can I solve this problem?

(the picture is in portuguese:
"WARNING: SharedParameter.Add expect for argument types (…) but it was called by (…)

Orchid appears has a node to convert Dynamo Document types to internal Orchid documents:

(NOTE:, I cannot say how well it works or anything like that as I do not use this package, I just saw the node and wanted to help out. Further questions are better suited for the author directly on his Github)


for anyone who comes by later, this node has been replaced with a more general one and it works on documents.


Also, Rhythm has been refactored to work with all Document types as well (including Orchid).

The types are:

  • Revit.Application.Document (Dynamo internal type)
  • Autodesk.Revit.DB.Document (Internal Autodesk Database Type)

Here is a sample of how it is handled in the code with Rhythm:

This was the result of a pretty cool collaboration with the author of Orchid and I:


On a related note did erfajo delete his account? That’s a shame if so… but a great collaboration nonetheless.


It seems to be the case. All of the old posts are now credited to “system”. He is still active over on his Github though.

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