Cant find 'Links' node in library

Hi I am looking for a certain node that allows to select a specific Revit link from a dropdown.

This post has a screenshot of it (also shown below).


I am in doubt if it is indeed coming from the Rhythm package.
I believed it was from SpringsUI but Im not sure.

I still had the node this morning, I even built some stuff with it. But then I did some un-installing and re-installing of packages and now I cant find it anymore.

Where should I be able to find this node?
Any help much appreciated!

Never mind I found it out.
After downgrading to the release of februari (Rhythm) I now have the node available again.
Turns out I had a version installed that might have been aimed at Revit 2023 or 2024, while I am using Revit 2022.

Just to clarify the version nomenclature with Rhythm: the first two numbers are the release year and month while the last number is the Revit version.