Can you do color face analysis on more than one face at a time?

Hello, I am trying to do color face analysis on 2 faces at once but everytime I copy my working graph it just deletes the previously colored face or only colors one face or the other but never both. So I am guessing that this is not possible?

Hi @mix

Have you tried changing List Levels. Use List Levels if you have multiple list. To know more about List Level visit

I looked at list levels but I fail to understand how it is applicable here? Can you give me a hint please? Thanks

Have you seen the above link. It explains everything.

And also you can have a look at one of the example which i recently discussed here Add Members to Multiple Assemblies - #2 by Kulkul

I didnt make my statement clearly. I read what you sent me, I just dont understand how it is applicable in my case. The first blog post you sent me made sense. But I just dont see how it is applicable in my case or how to use it. The second forum post you sent me, I read, but I dont understand it. So Im sorry, but it didnt help. I am attaching a picture for what I think you meant for me to do, but (of course) its not working because I dont see the connection between lists levels and connecting them to one surface input. because the list of multiple surfaces is already flattened so why would you ever need to pick out a list level? You cant go at it any more in depth than that. In any event thanks for your time and the readings.

I don’t think you can actually, and according to Ian Keough, Revit is to blame:
I haven’t looked into @Konrad_K_Sobon s Archi-lab nodes regarding this so feel free and report back! :slight_smile:

I wrote about it here, but this was a long time ago and I am not sure it will work now.