Hello, I’m beginner for dynamo revit and I just want to know is there any to find out face orientation or face angle of an element by dynamo, actually I’m working on a project where I have to autofill parameters like heights and angles so for the height it’s sorted but I can’t find any way for angles.
Hello @chandrakant.arya and welcome onboard…here for familyinstance…hope is what you are after…
Thanks for the solution, I need one more help here can we decide from where the 0 degree will start, actually I need 0 degree on northing but getting 90 degree there
do you mean something as here ?
Yes Exactly, again thanks for this very glad to meet you. but I’m getting 180 instead of zero can you help me out on that please
Hello, I do the same with window its work but actually I’m doing it for a communication device. Do family type create any difference?
yes depends on how the family is bulid…could you share that family and i can take a look…
Actually I can’t share because of Code of business ethics.
Fair enough…here i have tried an exemple with communication device from revits standard library…try if it is better…its all about how it is build…
One thing I noticed that the family is created as south face oriented I think this is the point why I am getting wrong values.
then you probably could use vector reverse, you can always find out which direction the normal is…here with line direction…here in that family here it seems go down…
you could probably get the host normal as well and use that
thanks for the help but I did’nt get about reverse vector?
i just mean if the normal is right just with wrong side you could reverse your vector
So is there any node for that?
yes vector,reverse
It’s work thanks @sovitek for your support and nice to meet you.