Can we create a copy of dimensions at same location

i create the dimensions for the elements using “Dimension.ByElements” node.

And tried creating dimensions for new elements but the Dimensions which are created are deleting.
i have tried baking the elements with beaker package but it didn’t work…!

So, i got an idea that if we copy the dimension at the same location, then one will be deleted and one will be there.

how can a copy the dimension ?

Thanks in advance.

With Best Regards.

hello @mrathnakar, happy birthday :slight_smile:

Can you post your dyn file or a screenshot in order to see what’s going on?

Hi @mrathnakar
For Dimensions related tasks you can always refer Genius Loci package for better results
thanks have a nice day


This is an element binding issue. See this post for a detailed breakdown.

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Solved using Genius Loci Package.

Used Dimension by reference instead of “Dimension.ByElements”

Thankyou @dineshsubramani

With Best Regards.

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you deserved it, Brother, @Alban_de_Chasteigner

Can i find any node in Genius Loci Package for creating floor finish using outline type and level.

Thank you.

There is an out of the box node for this.[]-floorType_FloorType-level_Level)