Can Filled Regions read room properties?


I have a client who has drawn filled regions in rooms to figure out LEED outside view requirements. This means that each filled region overlaps the rooms in the model. They are always drawn to the inside face of the walls, but sometimes across more than one room. What we would like to do is populate a custom parameter in the Filled Regions with the Room Name value for the room they occupy.

I have shown an example in the attached image. Is this possible? I am thinking if we can grab the boundary of the rooms and compare to the boundary of the filled region, then it should be possible. Just looking for if it is possible and a pointer in the right direction. Thanks.

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Hello Paul,

If there are filled regions that span more than 1 room, what would the parameter value for the filled region need to be?
If I read it right the yellow region in your example would get the parameter values of: 148, 133, 133A and 133B.

Hi Paul,

There is a node from archi-lab package called “Filled Region Boundary Curves” use that to get boundary curves.


Element.Geometry returns geometry both for rooms and filled regions. You can for instance extract the solid from the room and the surface from the filled region and see if they intersect. For å list of rooms and filled regions you can use getItemAtIndex to find the room that intersects with the filled region and write it’s name to a parameter in the FR.

filledRegion.RoomNameToParameter.dyn (8.9 KB)

Yes. That is an issue. Either it could pick one and we manually check it later, or it does none and that woudl make it easier to check. But mostly they drew the filled regions around actual rooms.

Both of those suggestions look promising., I will try them out and let you know what I learn. Thanks.

The Revit API has a method for point containment.

The dyn is here
20160817-filledRegionRoomLocation.dyn (16.2 KB)


Thanks again. I am stuck on phone calls right now, but anxious to dig in.

This graph works great. I still have some cleanup to do on my dataset, but I think this will do the trick. Thanks to everyone for the suggestions. Very helpful!

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