Camber Feedback Thread

Happy New Year everyone! :partying_face: :fireworks:

We’re starting off 2022 with a big update to Camber (v2.0.0), which is now live on the package manager.

There are a ton of new features, enhancements, and bug fixes, and it’s too much to list them all here. Please review the full release notes on GitHub so you get the full picture. Here’s the summary (click the arrows to expand more info):

Do more with data shortcuts

The data shortcuts section of Camber has been completely rebuilt in v2.0.0 to enable more access to working folders, projects, and data shortcuts, including the ability to create data shortcuts and references to them.

Work with external documents

Another major addition in v2.0.0 is an attempt to enable access to other drawings besides the current drawing. There is a new dedicated shelf under Camber → External that includes shelfs for External Documents, External Objects, External Blocks, and External Block References. This is a preliminary set of nodes for testing purposes and gathering feedback.


Everything under the External shelf should be used with care since these features are still experimental and not all use cases have been tested. It is recommended to backup files prior to working with them to prevent data loss.

Simplified way to convert objects

The workflow of converting an Object or CivilObject to a Camber object (e.g. CivilObject → ProfileView) has been simplified by the addition of a new node, Convert to Camber Object. This replaces all of the nodes that included GetFromObject or GetFromCivilObject.


Library reorganization

An effort has been made with this version to reorganize the node library to align better with how the core nodes for AutoCAD and Civil 3D are organized in the main library. It should be pretty self-explanatory, but please refer to the release notes if you get lost.

Key bug fixes

There are several bug fixes, but here are some key ones:

  • Fixed a longstanding bug where dropdown nodes would add extra output ports upon saving and reopening a graph
  • Label Style dropdown nodes now include child styles

Give it a try and report back with what you find!