I have a huge list of points and curves,Where I have to run “does intersects node” between each point and all lines.I have around 300 points and 800 lines thus making the graph never complete.
creating a bounding box around points and lines helped to increase the speed but its still takes 30-40 mins for each run.
my goal is to check for intersection of lines with every point and hence find the adjacent points.
@Ewan_Opie thanks,It really helps but I am still programming to create a sphere on each point and calculating the intersection,you have any idea to minimize the time to create unwanted geometries.
I don’t see a node in the package which gives bool results for geometry to geometry intersection or boundingbox to boundingbox intersection will be happy to see @Thomas_Mahon adding this to package though.
The best I am able to do now is convert all curves to model element run the clash and delete later.