Faster Computation

Sorry i have made you to make so many assumptions,I should have added some more information,my bad.

This can be treated as a continuation to my post here:

The Actual problem here is i had to cross product lacing to find adjacent lines (connected lines) of each point which is really a time consuming computation,initially i was searching for some way where i can avoid other lines that are really far from the point.
But realised later that to do so i have to first run distance to node with cross product lacing.

Currently I am using point inside bbox which gives the most faster results among the options i have.

But this node still runs with cross product,since I couldn’t find any better idea i was looking for options for allocating resource
I have learnt sometime back that GPU can perform faster at small calculations that the CPU as the number of cores is large ,so i wanted to know if we have any way to allocate this task to GPU and pipeline it back to the main flow.?

One more question i have is that does dynamo make use of GPU for core computation or just to render the work canvas and such supporting stuffs? Well thats a question for another thread.!