Bimorph Element.IntersectsElement node error

@Kulkul thanks :+1:

@Mohammad_Nawar do you see the following exception: A managed exception was thrown by Revit or by one of its external applications

If so, then I observed a similar problem while developing the intersection node and it might be a memory leak, possibly from Dynamo side. I added workarounds to resolve it as Autodesk never did respond when I raised the issue on the Revit API forum. However in later releases, I modified the codebase and removed these remedies as I couldnā€™t reproduce the exceptions after the changes where made. If you are seeing the above warning, then it looks like the workarounds will need to remain in place.

Also, when you see that warning, try unplugging the inputs and reconnect them. If the node then executes without a problem then its the same issue.

@Thomas_Mahon I tried to update the package and delete the files from the temp file and it worked !! :grinning: Thank you for the solution, also @TonyNguyen i encourage you to to do the same hopefully it will work with you this time.

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