Bimorph DWG Import - Bringing over text ( Exploding? )


I’ve made a script using bimorph nodes that transfers DWG lines into detail lines. It works great and I managed to add some Data-shapes UI to choose the line-style for each line.

However, for some of our drawings; there are ALOT of text/annotations that my script doesn’t bring over. After doing some research I found that exploding a cad import in Revit transfers to DWG text into Revit.

I’ve looked through Bimorph and couldn’t find anything that works with text.

So I’m wondering If there is a way to add this to the script to automate both lines and Text in the DWG To Revit Transfering.

Thanks for the help


For Reference:


Ahh that sucks :confused:

Thanks for clearing that up for me.

it is indeed sad, Will there be any update in the Revit APi concerning this issue?

It might be one of the last linkes to import the last Autocad infos into revit.

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