Bilt EU Hackathon

Hey All,

I wondered if anyone else on the forum was going to attend the hackathon in Edinburgh this year?

It’s on the 9th October, starts at 9.30 & lasts 1 day, so pretty civilised.

It would be great to team up with like minded people, if that sounds interesting, reply on here or message me if you’d prefer :slight_smile:



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I will participate and would be happy to team up with you @Mark.Ackerley


Great initiative, Mark :ok_hand:

Would love to team up, but unfortunately I won’t be able to attend this year, since my wife will be just about bursting at the time of the event :smile:


Congratulations Martin! :smiley: I hope everything goes smoothly.

It’s my wife’s birthday on the 11th, so I can just about get away with it :slight_smile:

Hi Jean-Marc, awesome! Let’s give it a day or 2 then setup a group to chat more…



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Maybe I will attend, but cant be certain, kinda crazy in the office last few months :disappointed:
Hope to see you guys there :slight_smile:

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Hope so, I was going to sign up now and name check Jean-Marc, I guess others can do the same? :slight_smile:

Hey there,

I will participate as well. I was wondering if there are still teams looking for members :slight_smile: Please let me know if that is the case.

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