Normally I don’t cross-post videos here, but I thought this one was quite relevant to a question that comes up time and time again.
The question often is:
How do I modify XX amount of family files opened in the background with [insert package name here] ?
Unfortunately, we all generally reply the following:
- Sorry, we can’t help you here, go ask on that package author’s Github.
or - Sorry background documents are unstable in Dynamo and scary.
Well, I am happy to say there is an OOTB Dynamo way of handling this with nodes, but we do need one external tool in Revit.
This video below gives an overview of family document nodes and shows how to batch them, eliminating the need to mess around with background opened files.
If this violates any rules of the forum, any of the mods can modify or remove it as they see fit. Considering this question comes up weekly (if not daily) I thought this would help out.