Automatic removing floor

Hello guys
I would like to ask question about column and floor in revit, I placed many structural columns on the floor and all of them are crossing the floor so i want to create script that remove the inside of steel column in this way i uploaded a picture i’d like to do this

i really appreciate it of somebody tell me how to do this script or help me Revit version 2017 and dynamo 2.1

If you can mention your Revit and Dynamo version please, it would make a big difference

sure thanks

Access to the Revit API (2017) doesn’t allow for multiple loops in Floor sketch lines i think.
It does in Revit 2022 though.
I recommend using a void element to cut the floors in your Revit 2017.
Once you have created a void element family, it would be quite easy to Dynamo the placement i guess.

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nice one buddy thank for your recommendation, it works by using void elements so is there any ways to use void elements ( i created) automatically placed in all columns !

Show us what you have tried so far, I’m sure any help is just around the corner if you just make an effort.

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