Automatic flipping on adaptive families

Hi everyone! My work colleagues and I have been having this issue when having adaptive families driven by Dynamo.
We usually use 2 and 5 points adaptive families. Each point holds a nested 2D family that is used to generate a 3D geometry.

We usually use them on linear projects, such as bridges, tunnels, roads, etc. Sometime we have to use several adaptive families on the same position to create different elements.

In this case there are 5 adaptive families using the same 5 adaptive points to recreate the shape of a tunnel.

Our problem is that sometimes, without any warning or reason, some the geometries disappear. Since it’s not possible to show the adaptive family in that case, let me show it with the nested families visible, to properly explain what’s going on: See my next posts.

This adaptive family has the same insertion points and the same values in every parameter as the rest of the families, but… it gets invisible. I believe on the of nested families gets its direction “flipped”, in a way that it doesn’t allow the geometry to be properly generated.

If I FLIP the family, the family gets suddenly visible: (See my next posts)

But it has everyone of the control planes suddanly rotated.

This problem has been happening to me several years. The way I create adaptive families has changed, but it keeps popping up. Has anyone an idea what could be going on?


For example:

let me show it with the nested families visible, to properly explain what’s going on:

If I FLIP the family, the family gets suddenly visible:

By the way I’m happy to share the revit file if need be :slight_smile:

May be I can take a look if you share your file.(project,family and dyn)

This problem is most likely caused by the adaptive points’ orientation setting:

You need to select the one applicable for your purposes.
There is also a difference between the ways you place the adaptive components with Dynamo.
Do you place them as free standing or are they based on a host?

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Gladly! How can I share them on the forum?

Hi Viktor.
As of this moment I have the moment using both instance and global. I don’t use host because the families are not hosted. I’m gonna check how to share the project with u guys, let’s see if we can solve this.

You can use cloud service like google drive or dropbox link…

Here it is!

I cannot share the dynamo file because it is pointing to some excel files on our server with confidential info, but this should be enough to understand what’s going on. Hopefully! :slight_smile: