Currently, we are trying to automate the deployment of a dynamo package. However, as this package contains custom UI nodes, compiling its dlls in Visual studio is not enough. The next step is to use the Dynamo Package Manager to locally publish it.
My question is: is there a possibility to call that Package Manger functionality without opening Dynamo editor in Revit? For example, referencing some dlls in a C# project and accessing that function, using batch commands…
Achieving that goal will make it possible to easily deploy the package through repository pipelines, without the need for that manual step in Dynamo.
My question is: is there a possibility to call that Package Manger functionality without opening Dynamo editor in Revit? For example, referencing some dlls in a C# project and accessing that function, using batch commands…
Achieving that goal will make it possible to easily deploy the package through repository pipelines, without the need for that manual step in Dynamo. Any help would be appreciated.