Assembly - place schedule on sheet

Hi All,

I’m struggling with a script that i’ve been writing. What i’m trying to do is automate the viewport creation for assemblies. i’ve succesfully used the Tool.assemblyviews node for the basic views. but i found a python script to add other views (structural connections, structural rebar, …)

i can succesfully create the views but i always get the same error when i try to place the viewport on the sheet. ive tried the Viewports.create node from the crumple package and the rhytm package both with the same error.

Hi @niels.van.hove be sure the view isnt already placed…and try with a transaction end before your viewcreate…and seems you need input a viewport type as well

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first off all thanks for the reply.

The schedule defenitly isnt placed on the sheet. i’ve never heard of a transaction end in dynamo, could you please elaborate?

also i dont think a viewport type is necessary for a schedule. this is only a thing for views. i’ve placed a code block with false in it

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Try transaction end node OOTB

like this?

demo.dyn (33.0 KB)

Hi more something here, btw the reason for warning in aasembly node is the input name "input"try open the node and rename to Input feks.

tried this on sheet and view together and seperate and still nothing

ok i will take a look later, if you or other havent find a way… im a little buzy right now…do you have a small rvt sample as well you could share

i’ve looked around for a bit but sadly still nothing. ill put the rvt file in attachement.

Hi @niels.van.hove seems to work as expected here…


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odd :joy::drooling_face:. i have no clue whats wrong on my end. i suppose i can look into deleting my packages and redownloading but i doubt that would change things.

There’s not really anything different.

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@sovitek by chance do you know what input needs to be changed in the tool.assembly views node? since it gives me errors and it doenst on your video.

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yes guess its the name “input”…try open the node and rename and save

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uninstalled my packages and reinstalled them. seems to work fine now.

dont know how it happened. but im glad its fixed. thanks sovitek!

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Great :wink: