Apply loads to cases RSA 2024

I did a bit of testing yesterday. Here is the outcome:

  • plain CPython interpreter 3.10 with PythonNet 3.0.2 and RSA 2023 works (no Dynamo involved)

  • plain CPython interpreter 3.7 with PythonNet 3.0.2 and RSA 2024 works (no Dynamo involved)

By “works” I mean I can create some loads etc. Basically all the primary node, member, case servers work at least.

So the iterop.robotom.dll file works fine and the problem seems to be specific to Dynamo’s context.

In Dynamo for RSA 2024, CPython is 3.9.12 and PythonNet 2.5.2.

PythonNet 2.5.2 supports CPython only up to 3.8 according to the release notes.

When I try to install PythonNet 2.5.2 on CPython 3.9.12 with pip, I get an error, whereas it works with CPython 3.8.

That’s probably where the issue is. Has Dynamo’s CPython been upgraded from 3.8 to 3.9 recently?

Sorry for all the version numbers, hope you didn’t get a headache reading this.