Alpha-numeric detail numbering

@AW_Rash Using a file sharing service is totally acceptable! :slight_smile: I’m not sure if it is mentioned here but check out this post if you have not yet: How to get help on the Dynamo forums

Also when sharing an image of a graph its best to zoom in until the node labels are visible, and use the camera button on the top right of Dynamo (it will capture the whole graph even if it isn’t visible zoomed in)

Here is a post with a graph that might have some parts which would help:

That graph isn’t using an alpha-numeric system, however. Maybe create a Coordinate System from the Titleblock’s location point, and mirror that on a plane created in the center of sheet. You can then transform the viewport’s location points from the old coordinate system to the new one so their x values are right to left, see the blue group in the image below:

I was missing the List.DuplicatedItemIndices node you used towards the end, and used a couple of different nodes from Rhythm for obtaining the sheet’s viewports and their location data. Let me know if it works for you!

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