Aligning lists for host and elements to be placed

Hey everyone,

I’m looking for a node or workflow to be able to combine two lists in such a way that they sort.

I have multiple walls and I am trying to place multiple doors on each wall. I have the centerpoint of placement and I know the node from the Springs packages that places them on their host.

But I can’t figure out how to align the list in such a way that the doors get the right wall as their host. Can anyone help me out?

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@RevitRobot ,

are you looking for something like that?

No not quite. I am trying to place the doors (wall hosted based family) and get the walls that they intersect with to be their host. However some walls have multiple doors so I want each door to recognize it’s host.

That means I am getting list A of Hosts and list B of doors. They aren’t the same length etc, so how do I list manage in such a way that the right door(s) gets the right wall in list order?