Does some have idea if it is possible to add support files search path to the list automatically here with a dynamo script in Civil 3D?
Here’s a python scrip my team and I developed. And you may run this through player as well or check a list with all other paths already in the document.
path = IN[0]
Application.AcadApplication.Preferences.Files.SupportPath += “;” + path
OUT = Application.AcadApplication.Preferences.Files.SupportPath.ToString().split(";")
AddSupportFilePath.dyn (4.3 KB)
Thanks for your python script!
It is so powerful to use a python script! Good to know!
Does your team and you have published your own package online?
When i want to add path to other list, i can just change the “SupportPath” . But what is the right code for other list? for example “Automatic save file Location”, “Default Template File Name For QNEW”, “Temperary External File Location”?
Sorry i am total new to program, the question might be silly
you could also use Data-Shapes MultipleInputform++. Since Dynamo 2.0 it as an option to add a ‘help’ link.
must have misundestood the question
I guess what i want to find is the system variable name of Autocad