Hi there!
I saw on LinkedIn a quite interesting post from @GavinCrump where you show that your Crumple package is already on CPython3. Thank you so much for that. Appreciate what you do for the community.
I also noticed a quite interesting feature of customizing your nodes with the “logo” you insert before the node name itself. I am referring to this:

I decided to post it here instead of asking on LinkedIn so the community can get that piece of info from the forum.
I also saw this feature in some other packages uploaded on the Package Manager. My question is, how can you add that logo/emoji to the Zero Touch Node? I did not find anything on the Github repos where documentation or anything related to this is explained.
Thanks a lot.
In this case that logo is actually a character (
Likewise the c in my node logo is a copyright symbol (©). I intentionally chose my logo so I could make the character look like an identifier of my nodes - has helped me spot my nodes in help topics very quickly!
@john_pierson might have some insight here from a ZT node perspective as he has some special rhythm chatacters on the front of his nodes, and most likely did it in a smarter way than my sneaky character approach…
All my nodes are non-zero touch, so i just open up the dyf file in notepad and customize the header to suit (this is how you can get ‘.’ in the nodes as well - Dynamo prevents this if you do it in the program itself). By default Dynamo will sort your nodes by the preceding characters before their node name in the dyf as a group, and it makes their overall name shorter when searching as well. You also get the chance to add a keyword such as ‘Query’, ‘Actions’ or ‘Create’ which will add the icon next to the node to indicate the task it undertakes.
I see your point @GavinCrump . You are using custom nodes instead of ZTN. Good to know anyway the approach you followed for custom nodes!
Let’s see if @john_pierson can bring us some light at the end of the tunnel. I find it a good piece of information to add when creating a custom ZTN.
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For rhythm, the prefix is added on the fly when a node from Rhythm’s namespace is placed.
Zerotouch won’t let you add special characters to node names so I had to work around it and actually rename the nodes. 
Orchid does this as well nowadays using a view extension in the package too.
Hope that helps!