Good day,
[Updated on 7/4/2023]
I’m trying to model bridge Tendon based on the Plan View from CAD.
The Adaptive Generic Model is based on the Profile
I plan on creating reference points on a Mass Line with varying horizontal distance to use as points when placing that Family.
Unsure what’s wrong with my Dynamo not taking in the correct number of points along the Line
[Update: Managed to somewhat do this. Attached in post] -
When I select a Mass Line, these nodes doesn’t work as well. I’m not sure why.
I haven’t continued the next part of placing the family onto the Reference Points yet.
[Update: Managed to somewhat do this. Attached in post] -
Elements created in the first run of the Dynamo disappears when I run it again.
[Update: Managed to do this by using Dynamo Player] -
When I create the Element, how do I make it so that I can input the point of starting of the line?
I want the 1 to start from the far left in this example.
Can someone lead me to the right way?
Profile and a Single Tendon on PlanView to try:
Top Plan Northbound (Clean 1 line).dwg (1.7 MB)
Points @ Different Distance along Horizontal Curve.dyn (40.7 KB)