Accommodation Schedule Matrix from Revit Schedule Information

Hi, I am relatively new to Dynamo and I’m trying to compile a schedule that counts the number of flat types (1b2p, 2b3p, etc) per level and exports it to excel in the format as shown in the attached excel schedule.

I have started to create a script which filters the flats into their types based upon the number of people and bedrooms entered into their respective parameters in the Revit area scheme, but I realise it’s going to get very messy if I proceed down this path, as I haven’t written a group for each area type, and levels aren’t even taken into account yet. I’m sure there’s a more sophisticated way of harvesting data and creating a matrix style schedule such as this so any pointers would be greatly appreciated! Thank you in advance!
Kind Regards

Hell @hwjturner
Its called a pivot table and its done in excel
Haven’t seen it in Dynamo yet

Thank you @Marcel_Rijsmus, I will take a look at pivot tables

Use GroupBy. Group by levels at first. Than Group by other parametes for L2 levels of your list from previous step. Use Count and Sum after. Export to Excel your result via Dynamo with Data.OpenXMLExportExcel.
Share your RVT or create sample, If you need more detailed help.