A bug?

Can someone please explain this bug?

Virtual machine isn’t keeping up. Regenerating the entire graph can help by executing every node fresh. If you have one input in the beginning reselecting that should force everything thereafter to re-execute. Tune Up and a few other view extension tools can also do this. In extreme cases you may need to restart Dynamo and it’s host.


If you have steps to reproduce this please file a GitHub issue.

It was a bug. I made a mistake later in the graph, that somehow affected previous steps that I’ve shown.

I can’t ever recreate it, but it usually happens in older builds (< 2.12 or even unsupported ones) where I am modifying elements previously written into memory, such as getting an element location and then later in the same graph setting the location to something else. Do this a half dozen times or so with a large enough data set in an editing context and eventually the element in memory goes sour.


This happens to me sometimes. I just close Dyno and re-open.

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I’ve had similar scenarios before but typically with branching pathways. Always figured it was a race condition related thing but maybe memory gets passed around too many pointers/locations for it to keep up also. I’m not brave enough to try and find out…